יום רביעי, 25 באוגוסט 2010

שדה משתנה

2 תגובות:

  1. This is very good work as far as I am concerned, however it does not show us what is more private and what is more public. We want the mapping or testing of this onto sitting and using the toilet, standing and washing hands, and entering and exiting from the public toilet. Please illustrate these in a series of sections as shown to you in the studio... How is this public toilet different (in relation to the new and old models that we discussed) How is a wall connected to the floor , how is a wall connected to the ceiling, how is an entrance connected to the wall, and how are two walls adjoined. It will be a shame to make a box after all this effort in understanding your geometry.


  2. Another issue is that you have not illustrated how the various pieces connect. Where is the flexibility? and what happens to the spaces in between two modules? How does it attach? How does it grow... D
